Achieving success in 2023
As QUT Vice-Chancellor I am delighted to share with you the first edition of the alumni newsletter for the year, when we look forward to what success looks like in 2023.
If I had to choose one word to sum up what success will look like for QUT this year, it would be ‘Connections’. This reflects our newly launched strategy, QUT Connections, which will guide us in connecting people and ideas to provide transformative education, student experiences and research relevant to our communities.
We are looking forward to continuing to build our connections with you, our alumni community. As our representatives in the community, government and business, you are key to helping us achieve our goals.
Australia has returned to a new form of business as usual after the years of the pandemic, and 2023 will see increasing numbers of international students joining us on campus.
We are building stronger connections with Indigenous Australians and traditionally marginalised communities to ensure more people have access to the life-changing benefits of a university education. And as the cost of living rises, our Learning Potential Fund is even more important in supporting students to stay at university, and we appreciate our alumni support in paying it forward to the next generation.
This year we will continue our work in building Indigenous Australian research and achieving gender equity and diversity in STEMM. As the university for the real world, we continue to build and strengthen connections with research and industry partners, who support us to translate our research into their solutions, and who help us ensure our students gain the skills and knowledge needed to walk into a workplace when they graduate.
The pandemic taught society the benefits of more flexible life and work, and we are committed to building our offerings of flexible learning options. So, if you are thinking of upskilling this year to achieve your career goals, we would be delighted to welcome you back to QUT to do a post-graduate qualification or gain a micro credential, either in person or online.
Do stay connected with us and follow our journey. I know 2023 is going to be full of great things for QUT as we work with our newly installed Chancellor, Queensland businesswoman and alumnus, Ann Sherry AO, to create positive change.
Your guest editor,